Why a Dog Blog?

Did you know there's no such breed as 'pit bull'? You can read all about that here.

The bottom line is, the joys-- and evils-- of these dogs have been created by humans. Now, it's time to create a better, safer, more humane future for them, and for us. In our opinion, that includes education, positive training, stiff penalties for cruel acts such as dog fighting, and more education.

We bring Peanut out in public as often as we can. He loves meeting new people and dogs, and we are often asked what kind of dog he is. We usually say he's a pit bull (because it's easier than giving a 20-minute dissertation on the history and genetics of his type), and people are often shocked! "But he's so sweet," they say. We figure that's the sound of people's perceptions changing, one mind at a time.

What is Peanut, exactly? We don't know, beyond 100% shelter mutt. Lots of people tell us he looks like he has Mastiff in him, because his jowls are wrinkly. Others have said they think he's an American Bully. It's possible he has some American Bulldog in him, or American Staffordshire Terrier.

Mostly, though, we think he's part hippopotamus.

Image result for fiona the hippo
Fiona the baby hippo (Cincinnati Zoo)

Image result for fiona the hippo
Fiona naps with her humans...
...and so does Peanut.


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